Nyaunu Prayer Letter


The Samuel  Nyaunu Family
Independent Baptist Missonaries to Ghana

Field Address:                                                                                                   Sponsored by:
P. O. Box GP 13990                                                                    Pleasant Valley Baptist Church
Accra, Ghana                                                                                         P. O. Box 850062
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(Airmail)                                                                                                       P. D. Taylor,Pastor



July 2024


Dear Pastor and Church,


I bring you very sincere greetings from our side of the vineyard and pray that this meets you doing well in the Lord.  We are fine here.  The only good Lord is doing us good here.

The past two months have been good.  We continue to share the good news with as many as we meet and also on the radio.  Truly we are excited by what the Lord of the harvest is doing.

A young man called Emmanuel called me one day after our radio broadcast and we got talking.  It turned out he is attending a charismatic church not too far from my house and lives just about a mile and a half from my house.  We fixed a meeting and after several failures we finally met.  He said he started attending this church because a friend invited him to come and be playing their drums for them.  Strangely, he never heard of his need to be saved nor baptism.  I told him it is good to attend church but church becomes more meaningful if you are connected to Christ.  I went in further to explain the gospel to him and gave him one of my booklets on salvation.  He left not accepting the Lord but I knew he would come back again.  Sure enough we made contact again and now he is talking about baptism.  We will be meeting again and my desire is to so share the good news that he will see himself for who he is before the holy God and God’s great love for him.  Do be in prayer with me.

I have also been enjoying a lot of encouragement from others on the lessons.  This makes me realise that people are really listening.  The radio station manager who is also a Christian man has been doing us good.  We were due for increase in the price of our airtime last year but he kind of waived it for us.

Early part of the year I got a team together and we have been doing preaching at different spots in our town.  We kind of are on a short break because one of the team members has gotten a job in South Africa and is gone and another too has moved out of town.  I need to put another team into place.

Recently I put up a broadcast station from my house to be making broadcast from my home.  This kind of thing is allowed in the rural area where we live.  We call it Information Centre.  It helps in giving out information to the community.  I licensed mine for religious broadcasts.  I have to renew the license every December.

God has been good to us.  We baptized ten converts in the month of June.  It was such a joy.  I normally take them through a class before the baptism.

In the first week of July we held a 3-day leadership conference in Agona Swedru, where Brother Ekow Ansah serves as the missionary.  It was a good time.  We focused on Moses, his characteristics that made him usable by God.

Please pray for us as we are seriously considering organizing some of the missions in the Asesewa area.  I need to finetune the leaders for ordination.  Some of them have been in our studies for a long time.

My family and I are in good health.  Delali is in London for a holiday with her big Uncle Moses and Senyo.  Selasi couldn’t go because she was not given a visa.  I turned sixty-nine in May and I feel strong and healthy.

My biggest prayer request is for one of my younger brothers called Victor.  For whatever reason Victor decided to climb a tree and he fell down injuring his spinal cord.  The doctors told us he may never walk again.  I do believe the God who heals.  Please pray with us.

May our God of all grace continue to hold you in His everlasting arms.


​​​​​​​Brother Samuel and Gloria.



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